Wednesday 20 October 2010

Afghanistan: Time To Go Demo: 20th November


Afghanistan: Time To Go - Troops Home Now

Assemble 12 noon – Hyde Park Corner

Called by Stop the War, CND and British Muslim Initiative

More details:

Speakers will include Tony Benn, Eric Joyce MP, Guardian journalist Seumas Milne and Lowkey (more to be announced soon).

The war in Afghanistan has entered its tenth year, making it longer than World War I and World War II combined. Both prime minister David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband support continuing the war, at least till 2015. Thousands more Afghan civilians and NATO soldiers will be killed in a pointless and unwinnable war, when over 70 per cent of the British public want all British troops withdrawn now. Join this crucial demonstration which will give voice to the anti-war majority in the country and tell the politicians the time to go is now.

Coaches leaves Bristol 8.15am, Anchor Road. Tickets £15 waged, £8 unwaged.

Buy your coach tickets here!!

Ticket (plus 50p booking fee)

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